Somerset Bowls Association
(Known as Somerset County Patrons Bowling Association)



In these Rules, reference to SBA shall refer to the Somerset Bowls Association and reference to PA as the Patrons Association.

1. Objects
(a) to foster greater interest in the SBA

(b) to arrange celebratory and special games with Clubs and other Associations

(c) to assist financially in the alleviation of charges and extraordinary expenses incurred by the SBA.

2. Officers
The day to day operation of the PA shall be undertaken by a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who shall be elected at the AGM of the SBA under the terms as laid down in Rule 10(a)ii of the SBA Constitution.

3. Administration
The management of the PA, including the expenses of the Officers, shall be conducted through the Treasurer and regulated by the Executive Board of the SBA.

The Secretary of the PA shall report to the Executive Board of the SBA. and he/she shall be responsible for the general administration of the PA and shall also keep a record of the business transacted at any meetings and report accordingly.

The Treasurer of the PA shall report to the Executive Board and shall receive all monies and maintain books of account and financial records. He/she shall prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting of the SBA an Income and Expenditure Account and a Balance Sheet for the previous financial year ending 30th September, all of which shall be examined by an Independent Accounts Examiner. Such examiner shall be appointed at the AGM of the SBA.

The Officers of the PA are authorised to open a Bank or Building Society account in the name of the ‘Somerset County Patrons Bowling Association’. They are authorised to operate that account, on such basis as the Executive Board of the Somerset Bowls Association shall determine.

4. Membership
Membership shall be open to bona fide members of Clubs affiliated to the SBA, subject to the payment of an annual subscription as determined from time to time by the Executive Board of the SBA. Such subscription shall be payable no later than 30th June.

5. Additional Responsibilities
The Officers of the PA shall ensure compliance with
a) Protection of Children and the vulnerable
b) Discrimination, Equal Opportunities and Human Rights Legislation
c) Data Protection
d) Misconduct, Dispute and Appeals procedure
e) Civil Liability Insurance

For the purposes of issues arising under these headings, in matters being organised by the Officers of the PA, the SBA shall be regarded as the governing/supervising body and the appropriate Rules of the SBA Constitution shall apply.

6. Dissolution of Patrons Association

In the event of the Executive Board of the SBA deciding that the PA shall be wound up, the funds and assets of the PA remaining after payment of its debts and liabilities, shall be paid into the General Account of the SBA.

7. Alterations to these rules
The rights to make amendments or addition to these rules shall be vested in the Executive Board of the SBA